Why Yoda vs Emperor Palpatine Is One Of The Best Duels

Yoda Vs Emperor Palpatine is one of the best lightsaber duels in Star Wars because it shows 2 of the most powerful force users in the entire galaxy. One represents the light the other represents the darkness. One is the ultimate Sith Lord and the other is the grand Jedi Master. Their choreography, force abilities, and lightsabers clashing are so good, and so well done, that the duel was evenly matched and a draw.

I loved how they show their force abilities and their different lightsaber combat styles. I love how Yoda and Palpatine are so evenly matched.

The Duel between Yoda and Palpatine didn’t disappoint me at all in my personal opinion. The Duel between Yoda and Palpatine still holds up to this day.

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